Panzer corps 2 hero tier list
Panzer corps 2 hero tier list

The game displays an “Evades!” message, and no combat happens.

  • Ğvade (X), " When attacked, the unit has X% chance to evade (cancel) the attack.
  • Ěrea damage (X), "Ěttacks all units within radius X from attack hex (can be used for A bomb and similar mass destruction weapons) (atomic bomb?).
  • ěridge killer, " This unit can attack and destroy bridges.
  • Converts unused attack action to another X% of normal move points limit.
  • ğuel consumption (X), " This unit spends X% from normal fuel consumption (normal is 1 point of fuel per 1 movement point).
  • Could be used for heavy artillery only (light would not have this penalty)
  • Ěttack penalty after move (X ), " -X to accuracy when attacking after movement.
  • Move or fire, " Can move or fire, but not both, in a single turn.
  • ğast unmount, " This unit unmounts from its attached transport after first enemy attack.
  • Every movement consumes an additional movement point.
  • Recon movement, " The unit can make several moves within its total movement points limit.
  • Ělpine, " +4 attack and +4 defense in hills and mountains.
  • Single Shot, " Unit disappears after its first attack.
  • Kamikaze, " Unit is destroyed after its first attack.
  • panzer corps 2 hero tier list

    No Entrenchment, " Unit does not entrench.Overrun, " Can overrun crippled enemy units.Phased Movement, " Can move in steps within its movement point limit.Ignores Entrenchment, " Ignores enemy entrenchment when attacking.Open Top, " Open-topped vehicle, vulnerable to strafing fighters.No Attack After Move, " Cannot attack after spending its move action.No Move After Attack, " Cannot move after spending its attack action.No Retaliation, " When attacking, enemy units don't shoot back.Ĝounter Battery Fire, " Provides support fire against enemy artillery units in range.Mine Sweeper, " Destroys minefields with a single attack.

    panzer corps 2 hero tier list

    Mine Killer, " Can attack minefields and damage them.Minefield, " Minefields cannot be crossed until destroyed.No Replace, " Unit cannot be given replacements.Ĝamouflage, " Can only be detected by recons or adjacent grounjd units.Ignores Zone of Control, " Ignores ZOC projected by enemy units when moving.

    panzer corps 2 hero tier list

  • No Zone of Control, " Does not project ZOC to adjacent hexes.
  • Ğntrenchment Killer 4x, " Destroys 4 points of entrenchment.
  • Ğntrenchment Killer 3x, " Destroys 3 points of entrenchment.
  • Ğntrenchment Killer 2x, " Destroys 2 points of entrenchment.
  • ğorced March, " +1 move point, cooldown 3 turns.
  • Ĝarpet Bombing, "Destroys supplies (fuel and ammo) when attacking.
  • They're all subject to change and dependant on what YOU feedback to us. There's also no guarantee they will make it to release in their current or indeed any incarnation. I can't guarantee this is complete and bare in mind these are preliminary names and descriptions and so cannot be assumed to be set in stone. The following list is taken from what I'm supplied with in order to produce the icons. So we were asked to provide a list of all the unit and hero traits as there's currently not much information about them in-game due to their nebulous and experimental nature.

    Panzer corps 2 hero tier list